Brenda Copas' Stuffing
Sage and Onion is a family favourite and the perfect stuffing to accompany Roast Turkey at Christmas, and poultry roasts year round. Brenda’s addition of celery and apple adds a delicious twist to this classic recipe.

1 red onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 or 3 celery sticks, finely diced
1 Cox’s apple, peeled & chopped
170g (6 oz) fresh bread crumbs
2 TSP dried sage or 2 TBSP fresh sage
salt and pepper
2 egg yolks to bind
2 oz butter
1.Saute the onion, garlic and celery in butter in a frying pan until they are transparent. Add the chopped apple and saute a little longer.
2.Add the breadcrumbs and sage. Season to taste and then bind together with the egg yolks.
3.Use the stuffing to stuff the neck end of the turkey or bake in a casserole dish or baking trail covered with foil or a lid. Before placing in the oven dot the top with small cubes of butter and bake for 40 minutes alongside the turkey.